Well it took a little bit of time. With the new house I have a lot of honey do’s requirements, plus the front lawn needs lots of work. Had to work on the sprinkler system and figure out how it works.
But as you can see by the photo, I have put the some sticks up for the back wall. Since the roofing was held up by 4x4 I decided not to bring them down but instead I framed in between each. The roof is in excellent condition and was installed by professionals, so no reason to make any adjustments. Rob my brother and his wife are coming next week for about 7 days. He is going to help me put up a front fence and also more sticks on the cave. Summer is coming quickly and I would like to get the cave close up. This will allow me to work the inside with my potable AC keeping the place cool. I will be posting quite a bit more in the coming weeks.
No new post what a shame.